Forums / Make a Difference / Costs of Projects

Costs of Projects

11 posts
Missing user
July 30, 2019
Per my story post “Costs of Projects,” I am hoping to make alonger message board thread about this.  If you paid for something or were quoted a certainamount, that can help others get a general idea. Obviously, prices fluctuatebetween countries, cities, times of year, year, costs of materials, etc.However, this can help us ballpark a budget for a future project (ie, are wetalking $200, $500, $1000, $3000 ish for a project).
So far, we have collected some data. Please also comment below if you have moreinformation!

Gabor2019 provided:
- Guatemala, 2016: $3300 to replace wooden walls of a home including materials,labor, and freight.
- Guatemana, 2016: Wardrobe+ double bed $367.40

Firemagic provided:
- Guatemala, replacing a dirt floor with concrete $850 ish
- Honduras, Bunk beds $250
- Philippines, 1 year tutoring: $1,100
- Honduras, 2 years vocational school: $1,000ish

Saddare provided:
- Manila, Philippines, college tuition: $600-$700/ semester for tuition,uniforms, transportation, books, etc

Joaniedear provided:
- India, bathroom $333
- India, floor $482
- India, stove $108
- Honduras, 2 burner stove: $41.80
- Honduras, roof $463
- Honduras, November 2019: $330.50
Missing user
August 1, 2019
In Ecuador in late 2018:
- bunk bed, two mattresses, two sets of sheets, two pillows, two blankets, and transport   $600
Missing user
August 9, 2019
When I go on house build we raise $1200 for house furnishings and groceries. The family provides the land and a concrete slab is poured prior to arrival. I think the house kits run around $7,000. The house goes up in 2 days with a turning over of the keys at the end. So perhaps $8500 to build and stock a house with the family providing the land. There is a hidden labor factor as 10-12 volunteers pay their own travel expenses to participate. The sponsoring organisation pays for the house kit.
Missing user
August 12, 2019
@Frosty:  Thanks for sharing your experience with building houses through another organization. 

Building homes is not our specialty (educating and getting kids healthy and employed is), and as anyone whose built a house themselves knows, it's time consuming and requires a lot of oversight. So, generally we try and start with home repairs before moving into building a home.  Of course, there have been special cases such as when a home has been destroyed by a weather catastrophe, fire, etc. we've been known to facilitate s sponsor build a home.  

Now, the first thing to keep in mind is that the family must own the land and have documentation, and the entire cost of the building materials, labor and any furnishings provided are all the responsibility of the sponsor.  A typical budget of $10,000 to $15,000, depending on the location, is necessary.  If the family does not own the land where their current house is located, then it's next to impossible for the family to locate a lot, with documentation, in their current neighborhood.  And, rarely does the family want to relocate to another community, which are typically outside of our program area. 

Of course, each family's needs are different, but I wanted to share a bit of info specifically about CI :-)
Missing user
August 13, 2019 in reply to Missing user
Thanks for sharing the CI perspective and associated budgets. As noted this was non-CI and the organization is geared to build thousands of homes. In general the things on this thread have to be worked on a case by case basis.
Missing user
August 14, 2019 in reply to Missing user
Philippines: add bathroom w/ toilet - $300
                    water connection -  $165.
                    electric connection - $330
                    replace thatch roof w/ corrugated metal - $700
                    add ceiling, windows, plaster interior & exterior walls, replace charcoal stove w/ gas stove - $1500
                    private tutors $3.50/hour.  2-hour tutoring sessions twice weekly = $168 for 3 months
Missing user
August 19, 2019
pasting from the Story Center
Project information Colombia -
2019 Swimming lessons and Kit £102
Construction Room £477.46
Bed, Liners and Pillows £240
Uniform, stationary, text books and tutor classes £153.61

Domincian Repubic 2019
Education SNG 2 backpacks, 4 clothing, 7 underwears, 8 hygiene supplies,
9 school supplies and 22 Groceries £95.54
Baseball lessons £212.51
May 23, 2020
Philippines, 2016: Braces & massive dental work $2,500
(braces to be worn for 3 years) (her teeth look amazing now!) 
2019 college: yearly $2,500 X 4 years =  $10,000
Estimated graduation 2024, but that was before Covid19 turned the world upside-down
Missing user
June 21, 2021
In Guatemala the cost of a tablet is around $200, the internet 150 for 6 months. 

In Colombia the cost of a laptop is $300 and internet is $155 for 6 months. 

The cost of a technical program is 3 semesters, $300, which comes to $900. 
Missing user
October 17, 2021
The cost of a private technical/professional college for industrial engineering =500-600 a semester. 
March 24, 2022
Cost of a new computer for college, 2000.00 (the Philippines)
Cost of supplemental income to help while she is in school (and not working) 1000.00 a year