Is global poverty solvable?

can we solve the Global Poverty Challenge?

1 billion children are multidimensionally poor.
1.7 billion people still do not have basic sanitation services, such as private toilets or latrines.
828 million people are affected by hunger.

These facts are staggering and may seem like insurmountable challenges with no resolution.

While the path out of poverty is not an easy one, when you put these issues into perspective, you can see how all of us working together can do our part to break the cycle of poverty for this generation and the next.

a woman standing next to a little girl in front of a blackboard

PROBLEM: 64 million children of primary school age are not in school.

SOLVE: It would cost roughly $40 billion to ensure every child on the planet receives an education.

a diagram comparing how much is spent on lawncare vs education


Americans spend about $50 billion a year on gardening and lawn care. For less than the amount of money the U.S. spends on pursuing the perfect lawn, children around the world could receive an education.

Children International provides education programs, tutoring and resources to help children stay in school and make it to graduation day.

a group of children ready to wash their hands standing next to each other

PROBLEM: Although more than 2 billion people have gained access to safe drinking water over the past two decades, one in 10 people on the planet (771 million) still do not have access to safe water. And roughly 4 billion people experience severe water scarcity at least one month of the year.

SOLVE: It would cost the world about 1% of global Gross Domestic Product (GDP), over a 15-year stretch, to secure safe water for everyone. The economic benefits would far outweigh the costs; each dollar of investment in safe water yields an average of $5.50 in returns.

graphic comparing the cost of safe water vs how much is spent annually on bottled water


Although there are American communities with unsafe water sources, the U.S. generally has some of the safest and easiest access to clean water on the planet. In fact, 99% of tap water in the U.S. is drinkable. Nonetheless, Americans spent more than $40 billion on bottled water in 2021. With that amount of money, we could cover more than a third of the cost of providing safe water to the world.

Children International has programs in place to teach children about the benefits of proper sanitation, as well as health initiatives that help keep residents healthy in communities with unsafe drinking water.

a group of people sitting around a table

PROBLEM: The extreme global poverty rate (those living on less than $2.15/day) climbed for the first time in decades, due to COVID-related issues. Roughly 9% of the world’s population is extremely poor.

SOLVE: If the world invested $40 billion each year until 2030, we could end world hunger, which afflicts roughly 830 million people.

a graphic showing the cost to eliminate hunger vs how much is spent annually on video game


The world spends $190 billion per year on video games. For less than what the U.S. alone spends on video games ($60 billion/year), world hunger could be a relic of the past.

Children International empowers children and youth with the education, life skills and career placement training they need to help break the cycle of poverty for themselves and their families. And our nutrition program screens for malnourishment, providing extra nourishment to children who need it.

a woman standing next to a little girl in a room

PROBLEM: More than 500,000 children under the age of 14 die each year from diarrheal diseases. Despite a sharp decline in these numbers – from around 4.8 million deaths in 1980 – most of those deaths are easily preventable.

SOLVE: Oral rehydration therapy (a simple combination of water, salt and sugar) is an incredibly effective and cheap treatment to prevent dehydration and death from diarrhea. At just $0.50 per treatment, two children could be treated for the cost of a lottery ticket.

the average US household spending $ 70 on lottery tickets


Each year, the average U.S. household spends almost $70 per year on lottery tickets. That’s the equivalent of 140 children treated for every American household.

Children International provides health care and medications to children in the communities we serve. We believe children struggling with pain or illness will fall behind in school or worse if their health care needs are not met.

Small changes add up.

Putting poverty in perspective allows us to see how global problems can be solved when we all do our part. Your sponsorship or gift provides children access to educational, health care and dental programs while also funding empowerment and employment initiatives and building community centers. Together, we can give children the chance to create a better future and bring about lasting change for their communities.

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