Luis, age 21, graduated from Into Employment in Honduras in 2022 and now uses his training and skills to provide customers with excellent service.
Into Employment® extends the ripple started through our foundational programs by helping young people find sustainable, long-term and successful careers. And it’s working. Our youth graduate with the financial ability to support their families and change their communities.
While unemployment and underemployment remain a core cause of poverty, stable work unlocks opportunities, promotes sustained and inclusive economic growth, and triples a family’s income upon employment.
Your donations to Into Employment ensure more access to critical resources and support as young people transition from childhood to adulthood. Opportunity can begin a new family legacy.
Ana (at right), age 18, is studying to become a professional public accountant in Colombia. She hopes her dream career will improve the quality of life for herself and her mother, Yenis.
With a gift to Into Employment, you’re investing in young people‘s — especially women‘s — futures.
During the pandemic, women were disproportionately affected by working-hour losses and pay cuts. They also were the first to be pulled from education and the last to return, all of which further worsened gender inequalities in the workforce. Globally, young men are almost 1.5 times more likely to be employed than young women. Because most of our participants are women, you can be sure your investment is supporting a fairer future.
Dehlia with her daughter, Jirah. The 21-year-old is in her final year of college, where she is studying to become a language teacher.
Lester González, 31, owns a coffee shop and roastery in Honduras and is a Children International graduate. He maintains ties to Children International by partnering with us to provide job training and employment to participants in Into Employment.
Lester‘s is the ultimate success story: A child in poverty is supported through Children International‘s foundational programming. Not only does he obtain formal employment, but he also invests in other young adults who see him as a role model for rising out of poverty. Lester is proud to be a part of the organization that made such a positive impact on his life, helping young people in the same position as he once was.
Your support upskills young people for career placements across a wide swath of industries including administration, bookkeeping, call center operations, STEM careers, construction work, consumer electronics, cooking and restaurant, general hospitality, cosmetology, electrical, welding, retail sales, and many more.
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