Global poverty and giving

facts & stats About World Poverty and Giving

Deciding when and where to lend your support to an antipoverty organization can feel like a daunting task. Where does my money go? Who’s doing the most? Is this even helping? The answer is that most charitable organizations are funded by contributors like you, so your donation or gift makes a huge impact on the work we do. At Children International, 81% of our total operating expenses fund programs for children, support our dedicated staff, and build community centers in the countries we serve. So, when you make a monthly gift or donation to our organization, the majority of your dollars go toward exactly what you intended — supporting children in poverty.

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  • Although disruptions caused by the COVID-19 crisis caused a slight uptick in extreme global poverty rates, it could not erase decades of poverty reduction.

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  • In 2003, nearly one in every four people on earth lived in poverty. Today, it is less than one in 10.

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  • Overall U.S. giving to charitable causes increased by nearly 20% between 2018 and 2021.

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  • Worldwide, more than 30% of donors gave to charities outside their country of residence.

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  • According to the latest available data, education giving rose by 3.6% globally, while giving to health charities increased by 15.5%.

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  • Approximately 25% of Americans volunteer their time and talent each year to causes and organizations, with the average volunteer donating 52 hours per year.

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a group of women walking down a street

Our programs break the cycle

We empower children and youth through health and education programs, life-skills workshops, career placement initiatives and more.

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How will you make a difference?

A one-time donation, monthly sponsorship or supporting community centers and the teams that serve them, there’s no shortage of ways to get involved and make a difference. Children International has changed millions of lives and helped thousands of children and youth, but we can’t do it without you.

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