Global poverty and health

facts & stats About World Poverty & Health

The link between poverty and poor health is not difficult to see. Living in poverty can mean a life of malnutrition, poor hygiene, deplorable housing conditions and preventable diseases going untreated. Illness plunges people further into poverty and leaves children falling behind in school or failing to attend altogether. Your sponsorship or gift creates lasting change for the children in our communities by providing life‑changing access to health care programs, medicines and early education about hygiene, nutrition and more.

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  • It is estimated that 5 million children under the age of 5 die each year – most from preventable illnesses.

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  • In 1990, 1 out of every 11 children died before reaching age 5; by 2021, that number had fallen to 1 in 26, globally.

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  • Worldwide, the most impoverished children are twice as likely to die in childhood than their wealthier peers.

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  • Roughly 1 billion children across the globe are multidimensionally poor, meaning they lack necessities like basic nutrition, decent housing, sanitation or clean water.

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  • A child born in Zambia today has a life expectancy of 62 years. If born in the United States, her life expectancy is 77.

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Soap + water = lives saved

Long before washing your hands was a lifesaving mantra in the United States, it was a crucial necessity in the communities we serve. Handwashing prevents not only viral illnesses like COVID-19, but it helps stop preventable diseases that we take for granted like diarrhea, dysentery and parasites.

a group of people standing around a metal bucket

a little girl sitting at a table with a plate of food

Healthy happens here

We start early, educating children and their families about healthy behaviors and practices. We also provide access to health care, medications and programs to help parents address nutrition and healthy eating.

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