Global poverty and technology

facts & stats About World Poverty and Technology

These days, applying online and emailing employers is almost mandatory for keeping up with the job market. And while connection is far-reaching, much of the world is left falling behind. Some children and families have access to cell phones but not smartphones, and others have limited technology skills but not enough to compete in a tech-based world. Empowering children in these communities with the tools they need allows them to envision a future they never saw possible. Your sponsorship or gift provides access to computer and tech programs, as well as crucial health and dental services, education and career placement initiatives and more.

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  • Nearly the entire global population, 97%, lives within reach of a mobile cellular signal.

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  • In the year 2000, only 6% of the world had internet access. By 2015, that number had grown to 43%. Today, 60% of the world’s population has access to the internet.

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  • The continent of Africa has one-fifth of the world’s population, but accounts for just 3% of the world’s energy-related CO2 emissions.

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  • For the first time in decades, energy experts say the number of people without access to electricity increased over the past few years, by nearly 20 million people.

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Mobile phones are a lifeline to families in poverty. That’s because for the majority of the world, landlines aren’t a thing of the past, they’re a thing that never was. Mobile phones are the first connection these countries have ever had. And we aren’t talking, “What version iPhone do you have?” Most countries are using mobile phone technology that we used a decade ago.

According to the World Bank, more people have more access to mobile phones than electricity or clean water— and it’s making a difference in the fight against poverty. It also makes it easier to communicate with families when face-to-face interaction isn’t possible.

Developing countries offer cheap models and pay-as-you-go plans that are a lifeline to families in poverty – providing access to vital information, digital banking and job opportunities that were previously unavailable to them.

a young boy sitting in front of a computer

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