2023 Annual Reporing

At Children International, support of all kinds helps us amplify our impact.  


Our 2023 Annual Report and the more recent 2023 Impact Report provide an overview of the lives transformed through our work, and detail how contributions from sponsors, strategic partners and global investors have helped us advance our efforts to ending poverty. 


Read on to discover how we are delivering hope, opportunity and a way forward for this and future generations. 

2023 Impact Report 

Stories, insights and updates on our progress 

Read below or via this PDF.

Bringing people together to end poverty for good.
CEO and President Susana Eshleman invites you to view our financial information.

Download Annual Report PDF


Our ultimate goal for all children and youth:

A confident young adult who is sustainably employed and has the mindset, skills and tools to reach their goals and positively influence their community.

a woman is making an iced coffee

At Children International, we are focusing on strengthening our successful workforce development program, Into Employment®. Our goal is to double the number of Into Employment participants by 2028.

Since establishing this program in 2009, partners like you have enabled us to test and evolve our employability programming to assist young people in acquiring essential skills that lead to sustainable, in-demand jobs within their communities.



Smart giving

In FY 2023, 82% of our total operating expenses supported programs for children and youth.

Annual Report PDF

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