Forums / Sponsoring a Child in Africa / Food emergency in Zambia

Food emergency in Zambia

3 posts
Missing user
August 29, 2019
Is there any way those of us who don't have sponsor kids in Zambia can help?
Missing user
August 29, 2019 in reply to Missing user
What a dear you are, what a kind and thoughtful Queen you are.  Ask CI, they are surely monitoring this situation closely and have brainstormed on strategies --- because their Zambian staff and volunteers will experience the aftermath of the failed corn harvest, and see the effects on the children, youths and families they are dedicated to.
Missing user
August 30, 2019
Thanks for bringing this to our attention. Unfortunately, we don't have any further information about the drought or the possible effect on our sponsored community. As we are not a disaster relief organization, we will not be working directly with the crisis. However, we do have the Nutrition Rehabilitation program available at our community centers for malnourished children. You are certainly welcome to give toward that by contacting our Care Team.