Dominican Republic

5 posts
February 1, 2010

I sponsor a little girl in Santo Domingo and she is 5 years old and has 1 sister and lives with her Mother. Her father has passed away. I really hope to go visit her one day. I have always wanted to visit the Dominican Republic but never made the trip. I love experiencing new cultures and seeing how the people live.

I hope to hear about the kids you sponsor there!


February 1, 2010

I sponsor two boys in the Dominican Republic (Santiago) - Bianny (10) and Roberto (12). I have visited with them and their families 3 times in the past two years and will be returning again this year. I usually spend two weeks vacationing in the DR and spend a day with each of the boys. The CI staff in Santiago are fantastic people and go out of their way to make the visits memorable.

The people of the DR are the friendliest you'll find anywhere and there is so much to see and do there.



February 2, 2010

Hi Robin...Thanks for the message. I can't wait to go visit there. I heard it's a beautiful Country and the people are pleasant and now reading what you say, I'm anxious to go. Thanks again for the message and I hope you continue to have anawesome relationship with your sponsored kids.


February 15, 2010

Hi how you guys doing? i sponsor a little boy in Santo Domingo,(Claudio) he's 6 years-old. I hope i can go visit him one day soon. I would love to go to Dominican Republic.


Missing user
February 6, 2014

I have been sponsoring for 28 years and have never visited a sponsored child till January 2014. The field office in Boca Chica was wonderful with our visit. I don't know why i waited so long.My sponsored child is a 7 year old little girl
