Government Assistance Programs

4 posts
Missing user
December 13, 2020
Hello: I've been trying to learn more information as to whether the countries with CI programs have something similar to food stamps and other government programs (welfare, etc) that we might see in the U.S. I'm having difficulty finding information through Google, however.

If anyone has more knowledge on this topic I would greatly appreciate anything you could share.

Thank you.
Missing user
December 16, 2020 in reply to Missing user
No, nothing like that as far as I know. Hence: Children International. :)
Missing user
December 16, 2020
Yes, “Hence:  Children International”. I used to sponsor in Chile.  In 2014, Children International discontinued their work in Chile because the Chilean government was taking care of their people’s needs.  Children International wanted to focus their resources on children in countries where it was needed most, maybe due to lack of social services.  
Missing user
December 16, 2020
I've had trouble as well figuring what is available for safety nets in developing nations. An internet search brings ups available programs but then you can find so many stories about people not receiving in help in those same places. Based on the hardships so many people take to leave those nations (like walking for months, crossing seas in tiny rafts) I can't image govt programs are very effective. During COVID a lot of govts have been handing out food occaisonally but things like unemployment benefits or food stamps don't exist.