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New sponsor & first letter :)

7 posts
September 27, 2017
Hi all!
Super excited to be a new sponsor to Anderson in Honduras. This is my first time sponsoring a child :)
I could use some advice!
1. What seems to be better? Using the online letter template or hand writing a letter? I suppose I will use the online tool to send the first one.
2. What should I say in my first letter to him?! He's 5 years old.
3. His birthday is 15 days before Christmas. Originally I was thinking of sending a care package to him, but after browsing these boards it seems the Extra Gift option is the better route to go. Should I send a bulk amount for birthday and Christmas, or two separate Extra Gifts to be used for each specifically? Also, assuming that this should be sent somewhat soon since October is approaching? Not sure how long it takes, but I do want him to get birthday money by his birthday.

September 28, 2017 in reply to paigewoodward
1. I use the online way because my hand writing is bad bad bad.
2. You in effect will be writing a parent or sibling because he will of course not be able to read. The online site for writing letters offers a page of hints on what to write though I doubt if there are many hints for a 5 yr. old.
3. My preference is EGs, you save big bucks over sending packages. Note that a minimum of $100 or less will not be given until the quarter of the year, whatever that means. I have a girl with a birthday in December and I send an EG for the birthday, an EG for Santa, and an EG because I send an EG bi monthly to help with groceries, school supplies, ect.
Send EGs at least 6 weeks ahead or earlier because CI gets very busy along Nov. and Dec.
Missing user
September 28, 2017
With his birthday and Christmas so close together, it's probably easier on the CI staff (and maybe also on his family!) if you combine the two EGs into one big gift. If you send two separate donations, the staff and family will have to coordinate two separate shopping trips (which also potentially means more of each donation gets eaten up by the transportation costs!).You can include a note with the donation to indicate that it is in celebration of both his birthday and Christmas.

On the other hand, two separate gifts means two follow-up reports, two thank-you letters, and twice as many photos. So there is some trade-off.
Missing user
September 28, 2017
Welcome to MSC!

1. I prefer handwritten letters, because they seem more personal and because I can include "real" photos with them. I say "real" photos because technically you can attach images with the online tool as well, but they will show up as tiny pictures printed on the letter itself. (Children seem to love receiving photos. Other sponsors like to include stickers and colouring pages, but I haven't done that yet.)  The only disadvantage to mailing letters instead of writing them online is that they take a few days longer to arrive and you have to pay for stamps.

2. In my first letter to the children I sponsor I introduced myself, talked about my family and where I live and asked questions about their family and where they live and things like that.

3. I would probably not send two EGs back to back. Normally, I space them out by a few months or I send one larger EG instead of two separate ones. That way they might be able to get a more expensive item, which they would not be able to buy if the funds were split into two separate EGs. Also, sometimes around Christmas time things get really busy and there can be delays, so even if you were to send two EGs, they might end up being done around the same time.
September 28, 2017
Ahh both good points!! I would love to get more pictures! Hahaha but I suppose it would definitely be easier on staff if I lumped it together. It says his favorite activity is drawing and his favorite subject in school is Art, so I was thinking maybe sticking some coloring books, stickers and crayons in a padded envelope with a birthday card may be easier/cheaper than a box, and then I will send $100 for his birthday and $100 for Christmas (maybe a little extra for his birthday!)
His father isn’t present and his mother isn’t employed, so I definitely want to shower
 him with love and gifts for these occasions! Thanks so much for your help!
September 28, 2017 in reply to Missing user
Agreed about the handwritten letters :) I sent one using the online tool last night just to introduce myself and attach a picture of myself and some other photos, but I think for future letters will definitely do handwritten! Thank you:) 
Missing user
September 28, 2017 in reply to paigewoodward
Keep in mind, though, that you can only send small, thin paper items via the Kansas City office. If you send crayons or any other non-paper items, you should dispatch them directly to the field office in the child's country. CI will give you the address. Otherwise they'll be donated to a local children's home in Kansas City.