Forums / Q and A with Children International / Telling the children of their new sponsorship

Telling the children of their new sponsorship

2 posts
March 23, 2023
I understand it takes a few weeks to maybe let the children and families know they have a new sponsor. I'd sort of like to know who gets to tell them the amazing news. And also what is needed done on their end? Do they get help getting sorted with the center and their needs? I see all the information on our end, but I was just curious on the child's end. I wish I could have seen the reaction on my sponsor child's face and their family getting the news. 
Missing user
March 23, 2023 in reply to Sosa630
In the case of Mariel, she has been enrolled in our program since July 2020 and was first sponsored in October 2020. It was at that time she and her family began in receiving benefits and enrolling in virtual programs. Now that the centers are back open she visits here local community center to participate in programs.  Our staff help the families learn about the programs offered and help them enroll.  Mariel lost her first sponsor last November and while CIKC office does not normally notify our field staff when a child loses their sponsor, the youth and family would have been told Mariel had a new sponsor when she was asked to write a welcome letter (CW) to you. How exciting that you've already written to her!