Postcard question

5 posts
December 28, 2013

Ok this is probably a stupid question, but I usually send postcards in a letter to my children. The letters this time around are on the site itself, so there isn't a hard copy that I'm sending them. However next month I want to send each of my sponsored kids a postcard of where I live. Do I just write the child's name and number on the postcard when I send them all together? Would that be the easiest for them to get sent out? I just wanna make it easy for everyone.


Missing user
December 28, 2013

When I send postcards to my children, I usually put them all in one greeting card-sized envelope to mail to KC--it saves on postage, and leaves the entire back of the cards for me to write/draw/add stickers.

I imagine there are many, many ways it can be accomplished, but here is what I do:

On the section where you would normally write the recipient's address on the card, I like to do the child's full name in pretty script and colors, accented by stickers or little flourishy doodles. I try to stick their child ID number somewhere inconspicuous on the card. I don't write my account number on postcards.


If I have a longer message to write that will take up the entire back side of the card, I simply write "Dear Anna Marie, Blah blah blah blah, With Big Hugs, Shannon" and I write her child ID number in one of the corners (usually not above the printed text on the card, but that's because I write the date there).

I haven't had any trouble at all with my postcards being delivered using either of the above options.

david2051 will probably have some tips and tricks to share--he sends postcards even more frequently than I do! =)

Missing user
December 29, 2013

I've always sent my postcards in with letters, with everything in the envelope for only one child, so I'm afraid I don't really know what system would be best for CI. One thought is that you could put more address information on a post-it note stuck on the card, with the child's name and number, country and sub project number. I don't know if that would really help them or not. I'm sure they can look everything up from the child's number.

December 29, 2013

thank you for the answers.

Missing user
December 30, 2013

You can mail all of the postcards together and just write your sponsorship account number on the envelope. Like both @Saddare and @david2051 said, write each child’s name and ID number on their postcard or attach a note to each postcard with that information. Either way would be great and we’ll get each postcard delivered to your sponsored children!
