SNG dates

6 posts
April 5, 2014
Hi Lifters. I was wondering if anyone could let me know around how long it takes to receive the memo and photos from an SNG? I got a confirmation that CI reveived the money around March 1st, so I was wondering when to expect everything. Thanks for any help :)
Missing user
April 6, 2014 in reply to danielle.barnes
Hi, Danielle! The length of time varies depending on a number of factors, but I think usually six to eight weeks is pretty normal. I sent Jie's SNG in mid-February, and received the report and photos in the mail yesterday. Hope that helps! =)
April 6, 2014

Twelfth week and counting...

I guess factors like whether the family can make time to do the purchases and whether the required items are available/in-stock play a part in how soon the report can be completed and sent out.

Missing user
April 7, 2014
We do attempt to send you the follow-up six to eight weeks
after receiving the special needs donation. However, like saddare and cwchris
mentioned, various factors could delay the process (i.e. time of year,
availability of the family to receive donation, etc.)

April 10, 2014

Finally got the report in the mail.  I found out why this particular report took so long.  The family waited for a 3-day sale at the mall before doing their shopping, haha.  Glad they can maximize the gift and stretch every dollar. 

Missing user
April 10, 2014
That was a smart idea from the family. I hope you get photos of them while shopping.