Forums / Sponsoring a Child in India / Paper Items to send to a boy

Paper Items to send to a boy

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6 posts
November 6, 2014

I'm looking forward to sending an actual handwritten letter to my boy in India at some point, something more personal than just via email. And I thought of including some lightweight token that could go in with the letter that might be appreciated. I thought of sending some stickers or a ribbon to my little girl in Zambia but am coming up short on what to and a boy in India. His name is Amir and I assume he is Muslim, so not really sure what religious or cultural restrictions there might be on these kinds of things. Any thoughts?

Missing user
November 6, 2014

CI lets us send paper things, but I don't think a ribbon would be allowed. :(     How about a copy of his CI picture, and a picture of yourself?

Coloring pages are always good.  I just googled "coloring pages + muslim" and found a lot of good pictures you could print + send.   Or perhaps an origami figure that you've made, along with paper + instructions on how he could make one also.     Good luck.

November 7, 2014 in reply to jwymar

You're welcome to send any paper items such as coloring pages or stickers, as n23foster mentioned. As long as you are not sending religious items, there shouldn't be an issue.

Missing user
November 7, 2014

Bookmarks! They are great and can help encourage a child to read.

Missing user
November 7, 2014

Postcards!  :-)

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August 15, 2018 in reply to jwymar
Paper cut out toys that you print out in any size to fit an envelope. Some have instructions on how to glue them together. Here is a sample website or just google "toy cut outs".
The other options are to draw them yourself.... :)