Forums / Sponsoring a Child in Africa / Education in Zambia

Education in Zambia

3 posts
May 22, 2018
I sponsor a youth in Zambia who lives (I think) in the Chibolya compound . His SOA is #2766. I was wondering about  the public upper secondary schools  (grades 10 thru 12) that sponsored students attend.  Are they within walking distance for the students? If not, would` students have to pay for  their own transportation expenses to get to and from a public school? I know that CI isn't able to give an exact price, but a ball-park figure would be helpful to know if  transportation is needed.
Missing user
May 22, 2018 in reply to barbmc
That's info we'd have to get from the SOA, as it's a case-by-case basis.  BTW: I received some info on your youth in Lusaka that I'll be sending to you today.  
May 22, 2018 in reply to Missing user
Thank you Debbies!