July 19, 2018
I am always amazed at some of my African children. A 7-year-old with a 1.5 page letter so beautifully written I wonder how on earth? Been there (and the child did the writing). A kid I figured too young to write, writes a nice letter (again with really good hand-writing for the age)? Yes. And these are kids who truly have nothing, with very basic (material wise) schools. But somehow their writing (not just the hand-writing, but their thoughts) amaze me. Mostly I am speaking for Uganda (and yes, they have the advantage of English from the start, in many cases, plus a local language) but my CI kids in Zambia, I think they do OK. I did have a 17-year-old who wrote a sentence or two even about big topics (like her mother's passing), but I know English was not her first language. My 12-year-old Zambian girl writes long, lovely letters. I write in other languages too but of course it's not as automatic. I do think that giving the kids ample space, time and freedom to really write from their heart is important, and I've seen it go very well! I have also seen programs where for whatever reason there is little effort put forth here, and even older teens write short, basic letters. But I think given the encouragement and structure to excel, kids can write! In fact, our postal worker who is from Africa told me the secret to the awesome writing I see from kids from his country (Uganda) is because they have little technology access. They write a lot, in other words. Maybe that's the case. But either way, I am impressed.
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