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Child Health Information

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June 24, 2019
We know keeping our kids healthy is as important to sponsors’ as it is to CI.  We also understand that sponsors can be surprised, or even shocked, to learn their sponsored child has a health condition and want to share it with those who care and understand – their MSC family.

This is a gentle reminder that each country CI works in has privacy rules about sharing of health information.  Just like our own health info, the kids health info is sensitive and confidential, and our field staff cannot gather the information without obtaining permission from the family first.  Many times the families are hesitant to share the info with our staff, who reassure them the CIKC staff will only share the info they provide with their child’s sponsors, and that it will not be shared openly or in a public forum.

To help us keep this promise to the families, we must ask that specific info about a child’s health is not discussed on MSC.  Please remember, many former and graduated sponsored youth, as well as our field staff have access to MSC. We would never want anyone to feel that we or their sponsor is not fulfilling the confidentially agreement our field staff made with them.

We have deleted some posts that shared just a wee bit too much info, and we thank you for your understanding.