June 3, 2021
CI was very helpful in planning our visit (granted, we had our entire Philippines vacay planned out/knew how to get there via Asia's Uber - Grab - and really just needed to know the date and time). This was fall 2019/early 2020.
So I'm certain you can expect that once CI has a system for sponsor visits back in place. Right now I'm sure it's a lot of "we don't know" so all of the answers to any sponsor question would be no. Centers aren't even open for in-person programming in the Philippine so sponsor visits are way down the line. We can't even travel there at
per govt reg, much less visit the CI Agency.
We can't wait to go back (AND CI BETTER ALLOW SPONSOR VISITS AGAIN lol if you take them away I will be beside myself), but know there is no way to advance prepare in any capacity right now. I would personally expect "no" to any and every question I might have about sponsor visits. I wouldn't take it personally or let you think it's indicative of CI/sponsor visits in general.
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