Post-COVID visits

4 posts
Missing user
June 2, 2021
I called CI today to ask about how to coordinate a visit to a sponsored child who ages out of the program in October and was met with nothing but “no” to every question.
Can I start the required background check paperwork early to get it done?
Will CI be flexible with a translator if we can’t go before her birthday?
Can we schedule a visit and then adjust if the center hasn’t opened by that time?
Can we make arrangements as soon as the country opens to travel with anything less than 2 months notice?
No to all.
For those of you who have been able to visit pre-COVID, I’m interested in what kind of support CI was able to offer so I reasonably know what to expect? Because the lady I spoke with replied as if my questions were completely unreasonable. 
Missing user
June 3, 2021 in reply to Missing user
The problem here is likely the timing of your visit. Post-Covid travel is opening up between countries with a similarly low rate of infection, e.g. within Europe. However, travel experts all agree that it may take a couple of years before wider international travel is back to normal. The health situation will improve more slowly in developing countries like the ones CI works in. CI centers may have their own, more cautious rules. I understand why it is impossible to plan trips now. It is not comparable to pre-Covid times.
Missing user
June 3, 2021
CI was very helpful in planning our visit (granted, we had our entire Philippines vacay planned out/knew how to get there via Asia's Uber - Grab - and really just needed to know the date and time). This was fall 2019/early 2020.

So I'm certain you can expect that once CI has a system for sponsor visits back in place. Right now I'm sure it's a lot of "we don't know" so all of the answers to any sponsor question would be no. Centers aren't even open for in-person programming in the Philippine so sponsor visits are way down the line. We can't even travel there at all  per govt reg, much less visit the CI Agency.

We can't wait to go back (AND CI BETTER ALLOW SPONSOR VISITS AGAIN lol if you take them away I will be beside myself), but know there is no way to advance prepare in any capacity right now. I would personally expect "no" to any and every question I might have about sponsor visits. I wouldn't take it personally or let you think it's indicative of CI/sponsor visits in general. 
June 3, 2021 in reply to Missing user
I had originally planned on going to India this autumn, in great part to visit my sponsor kids. Obviously that’s off the table. I’m now hoping for 2023. I haven’t even asked CI about it. I do call them frequently with this and that, and it’s been a rough year overall. I’m sure they gets lots of inquiries about visits, there’s nothing unreasonable about asking; maybe the CI representative was having a hard day and wasn’t at her best. It happens. 