Sending Packages

16 publicaciones
Missing user
marzo 11, 2011

I was curious if anyone has any suggestions for sending a direct package to Jalisco, Mexico? Anyone had any good experiences with different companies? I have no idea how to send a direct package, or even where to send it....

Thanks for your help!

marzo 11, 2011
  • Contact CI for the address. They like to know who has it, so they can keep them up to date if it changes.
  • I think most people just use the postal service. Postage will add quite a lot to the cost of goods, but not as much as an international delivery service would.
  • Before you shop, take a close look at the international postage rates on, so you're not unpleasantly surprised after you buy something bulky.
  • The risks of sending packages are Customs fees and potential theft. Once the local post office gets the package, they will notify the project office. The project office will send someone to get the package. If a fee is assessed (beyond something minimal), they won't pick up the package until you're notified and provide the additional money. (One sponsor had to send an additional $140, although that was for a big box, and seems to be rare.) Padded envelopes seem to attract the least attention from Customs/thieves. Also, declare the value as $1 or $0, and mark it as a charitable donation.
marzo 11, 2011

Also, be aware that Mexico does not have a trade agreement with China. If for some reason they open your package, the will conifscate anything made in China that's inside it. I've still sent items made there, but you should be aware of the risk before sending anything. (I just used the regular post office and haven't had any problems yet)

marzo 11, 2011

Also just a note that although there are times that a custom tax may be added it isnt the norm especially if you use padded envelopes. I have sent a TON of oackages and never was taxed. Your kids will love it!

marzo 11, 2011

Try to use the flat rate box if your are in the USA. I do that and its a flat rate price from anywhere in the USA to Mexico. You can fill it with as much as you can fit in there. There are several flat rate boxes too. USPS won't always tell you up front that the flat rate is cheaper, probably cause it is relatively new and they don't always think of it. So anyway just make sure you ask them at the post office. I have sent several there and have not had a problem. Although I have been waiting extra long for some responses from Christmas time.

marzo 12, 2011

Flat rate is good if items are heavier. If they are light items it will probably cost more. But it is worth asking!

marzo 12, 2011

I think the cheapest one is about $23 maybe?

marzo 12, 2011

I have been told that the best package to send is a padded envelope. Mark it "Used Clothing/No value." Customs looks at them and throws them through, supposedly. Also, customs fees can be outrageous. Boxes get more scrutiny and are sometimes stolen. Best way to purchase any large item would be through CI. They will purchase it locally and deliver it. $100.00 minimum for this service. I am in the process of purchasing beds for my orphaned boys in Lusaka, Zambia. I need three beds and with sheets and pillows and blankets, I am sure to meet and exceed $100.00 minimum. In any case, call CI for help. I bug the heck outta them and they are always nice and do everything to help you. Remember, they been doing this for 70 years! I think they delt with any question you have.

MY LUSAKA FAMILY! Luka (12)/Mika (6)/Aggie (Hage 8)/Robert(6mnths, no pic yet.)

Missing user
marzo 12, 2011

Thank you so much everyone! I feel very confident in what to do in order to send a direct package to Manuel-YAY!

Missing user
marzo 21, 2011

I am a new sponsor and am planning on sending a package to my little girl in Zambia. I hope this isn't a stupid question, but how will I know if/when my child receives her package? (By the way, LiftOne is wonderful and a fabulous source of information.)

marzo 21, 2011

You will get photos and a thank you letter. It does take quite a long time to get the report though so be patient! I have had actual packages arrive in as little as 2 weeks but don't get the photos/ reports for 2-3 months so patience is a virtue!

Missing user
marzo 21, 2011

Hi LisaAHilliard! I'm glad you are enjoying LiftOne! What LisaU is true, it can take 3-4 months from the time that you to mail the package to get the follow-up (photos, report and letter) back. That's because all these things must transpire:

  1. Package to arrive in country
  2. Wait to be delivered to our Sponsorship Operating Agency (SOA)
  3. The child to be notified of the package, and come to the office to pick it up
  4. For the report, letter and photos to be sent to the headquarters in Kansas City, Missouri (CIKC)
  5. CIKC to print the photos and report, match them up with the letter and mail them

With regard to #2, Zambia typically takes the longer to deliver to the SOA office because the mail is delivered in-country at the port, and then gets put on the next truck "headed" to communities where we work. These trucks make deliveries and pick-ups all along the route, so it can literally take a week or more from the time a package leaves the port to arrive at the SOA.

With regard to #4, the report and photos are sent via the internet, and it can be sketchy in the areas we work, especially, going in and out, so it may take several days for the transmission to go through. The letter is sent via international carrier, and these are mailed to CIKC each week on Thursday.

We tell sponsors to expect 3-4 months from the time they mail the package to get the follow-up back. Even with all the delays, I'd say that most sponsors who send direct packages (DP's) enjoy it and are thrilled by the smiles on the children's faces in the photos.

marzo 22, 2013

i have a few ideas for sending Genesis some little goodies here and there at special times and just because....most of my ideas will fit in a envelope, but her info says she realyl enjoys painting, and i though about getting her one of those Color Wonder little paint sets, that dont need water....and some does one go about sendign small packages like coloring books or construction paper, and colored pencils? how big does the package have to be to not be mailed to the center in Kanas? thanks! <3

marzo 22, 2013

Kansas City only forwards paper items (like paperback books, stickers) and only if they are less than 1/2" thick.

If you want to give your child something, especially if it would be pricey to ship, I would recommend sending a Special Needs Gift of $100 or more (which lets you specify what you'd like it to be spent on, although they may spend it all on basic needs if that is a big priority). If it is an item which they can get where they are, it is cheaper to send them the SNG (also called Extra Gift) to get it there, rather than you shipping it.

If you do decide to ship, envelopes (where feasible) are less likely than boxes to attract customs officials and thieves, and are also cheaper to ship. I also recommend labeling items as plainly as possible (doll, rather than "Indian Barbie 2012 with accessories" and with the "lowest plausible value" and in plain coverings to make the item seem not worth stealing.

Missing user
marzo 22, 2013

Writing "charitable donation" in the language of the country all over the envelope seems to help too, although after getting several packages through, I seem to have one that has gone missing . . .

marzo 23, 2013

I mailed a US Postal large flat rate box to my sponsored child in the Philippines on Dec. 26, 2012 addressed to the feild office with his name and CI #. It arrived on Jan. 18th intact and undamaged. A couple of weeks ago I got a letter and pictures of him will all the things I mailed. I was able to fit 3 outfits, socks, toys, post cards and activity pads for him and his little sister in the one box. Shipping cost was $60.00.
