Foros / Q and A with Children International / Birthday Card Languages

Birthday Card Languages

2 publicaciones
Missing user
abril 19, 2014
I received the standard "sign and return" birthday card for Yojana in the mail. To my surprise, for Zambia the greeting is now translated (it used to be in English)! I'm wondering which Zambian language it is, though--there seem to be two dominant languages in Zambia (Nyanja and Bemba). I assume it's one of those two? "Nikunganizila pasiku lako lopatuluka. Nikufunila mafunilo abwino pasiku lobadwa lako!" Google Translate told me it's Swahili, but could only translate part of the phrase.

I'm similarly wondering about the translation for India: Is it Hindi or Bengali or Urdu? Google Translate told me it was Malay, so that's no help at all here! LOL "Tumeh zehen mey rakhtey huey. Janamdin ki bahut bahut shubhkanayein!"
Missing user
abril 21, 2014

We just recently added a translation for Zambia in Nyanja to our cards for those children who have yet to begin learning English.

We also changed the India translation from Bengali to Hindi, since most of the families in Delhi use Hindi. 

The Philippines is translated into Tagalog. 

BTW: We don't use an internet translation program, we go to the source and have in-country staff members translate it. 


