Foros / UPDATES / Education Reports - UPDATE

Education Reports - UPDATE

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mayo 29, 2018
I know we all agree on the importance of education! I also know we all want our agency staff to focus on every child and youth having a safe place, supportive team and a path out of poverty. 

With that said, we'd like to fill you in on an update and ask you to help our staff remain focused.

Due to ever changing privacy laws our staff does not have access or cannot obtain the grades from the school, therefore Education Reports are self-reported.

What does that mean? Well, when you ask for an education report, our agency staff arranges a time to meet with the family to "interview" them. So, when a report says the child is performing well in school this is based on the family's input, may not be based on their actual grades.   

Above was the update - now for the ask....

Since the information is self-reported, we’re asking sponsors to write a letter to their child and ask them how they're doing in school. This is more personal than having the child sit through an "interview" with staff and directly shows them how much you care. Let's cut out the middle man here! :) 

If you are interested in providing financial assistance for your child's education, please continue to contact the Care Team to learn more about the opportunities available to your child and the costs associated with them!
