enero 22, 2018
en respuesta a
We have not heard if school began today in our communities. But our latest update from the SOA shared the following:
The community centers were able to open asplanned on Monday, January 15. However, activities were centered mainly onensuring that health and hygiene measures are enhanced and put in place at all SACs.
Beginning Monday, January 22, 2018,the centers will be opened to sponsored families, but with restrictions on thenumber of people to attend at any particular time. Most work associated withpending activities e.g. Memos, Extra Gifts, Letters, etc. will take some additional time.
Activities like gift distributions (which require a lot people to come to the center)will be on hold till the compounds are completely declared free of theepidemic.
SAC Coordinators have been tasked toensure that all the sponsored children and youth who are attending, do complywith the preventive measures put in place at the centers.
Theareas that originally were the epicenters of the outbreak have slowly beenrecording fewer cases.
However,the outbreak has been evolving, and there is a surge in areas thatpreviously had not beenhotspots for cholera, now being the epicenters. The government continues toimplement measures to control the situation.
Markets and businesses aregradually opening up again and business is going on, under the government regulation. The governmentcontinues to carry out targeted sanitation measures.
I wish we could give you information about specific children, but at this time things are moving slowly with the obvious emphasis being on health and sanitation. We'll share more as we receive information.
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