Forums / Q and A with Children International / Account number on a letter to a child

Account number on a letter to a child

3 posts
March 18, 2014

On the CI website where we can write a letter to our children I've noticed that they already put information about our account number and child's name and id number in the top right corner of the template. I prefer to write a letter by myself, convert it to pdf and send it my email to Kansas office. I don't always leave a space on the letter to stick a label on it with my account number and child's name. I didn't know we should. So I thought would be easier for the staff if I already put on the top right corner my account number, child's name and id + office location just like they automatically do it on the letter form online. It's not a problem for me and it would be easier to account for that space when I write a letter.

Missing user
March 18, 2014 in reply to Anna_ver

No worries, we place a label on every letter and if if there is not room on the top right corner, we stick it on the back of the letter. The template faintly prints it in the top right corner of the letter so that when we print them out to send the child we know exact which letter belongs to which child.  

March 18, 2014

Thank you, Debbie! I got it.
