New pictures

4 posts
June 27, 2014

I have recently started a sponsorship for a girl from Philippines and it will be 8-12 weeks before I get a package in snail mail, so I was wondering will online photos be uploaded soon so I could see more pictures of her and family or do I have to wait for snail mail?

Missing user
June 27, 2014 in reply to Ks19141918

If she's been sponsored before, yearly pictures of her will be available when CI posts them on your account.  But no pictures of the family, so you'd need to call CI and ask if a field agent could take one for you.  I think it's hard to schedule that, given work and school schedules.   I just started sponsoring another child in the Philippines on June 9, and already have received the welcome packet with her picture and info, so it may not be 8-12 weeks for you to get that info.   Welcome to sponsorship.

June 28, 2014 in reply to Missing user

Thanks for answering :)

Missing user
June 30, 2014 in reply to Ks19141918
If you live in the US you should receive your Sponsorship Kit, which includes the child's photo and Family Record, in 7-10 business days after you signed up. 

At this time we do not provide family photos, except in conjunction with a Special Needs gift.  Special Needs gifts are gift of $100+ that is given to provide whatever the family needs most. The child's field officer will take the child and family shopping and afterwards will take photos of the items the child receives and family photos can be taken at that time, as most of the family goes on these shopping excursions.  

You can read more about Special Needs gifts (SNG) in our FAQ section at the top right of this page, under About Sponsorship.  Welcome!
