March 4, 2017
I visited all 8 of my kids in the Philippines a year ago, and the trip was wonderful. CI can send you a list of places to stay. I flew on Philippine Airlines from Manila and stayed at the Hotel St. Ellis in Legaspi. CI arranged activities for each day, picked me up at the hotel, and drove me to the CI center, where I met the kids and their parent. I'd hoped to have a separate day with each of my kids, but CI could only schedule 3 kids on one day, and 2 kids the next day. It was harder to get to know them, but still totally worth it. I brought gifts from home for each child, small things like a mini photo album of all their CI pictures, hair accessories, hard candy, pens, etc. Not sure if any of my posts from that trip are still on MSC. Your kids will be in school in June and July, but can take the day off. Be prepared for heat and humidity. And to have your heart swell with joy when you first see your kids.
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