Pumps and Wells

18 publicaciones
abril 11, 2014


I have read on here where some people have purchased a pump and well for their sponsered child and community. I currently sponser a child in Ecuador and have inquired to CI if they needed a pump and the cost. It is going to take approx 6 weeks for them to find out the answer, so my question is. Those whom have purchased pumps and wells what was the approx cost and what community did you purchase it for?


abril 11, 2014 en respuesta a ditchqueen


I provided a pump and well for my Sheilla last year in Legazpi, Philippines. The cost was $600. This year I requested that field workers locate areas that needed pumps and wells. My plan is to keep doing pumps, one at a time for as long as posible. I'm doing this in two areas, Legazpi and Tabaco. My first two is at barangay Tabon-Tabon, Legaspi and the other is on San Miguel island, Tabaco. The cost was $716 for Legazpi and $750 for Tabaco. The cost could be worlds apart, but to me worth every dollar. As an example, the well I had done for sheilla is supplying water for 5 families. rewards are great.

Missing user
abril 12, 2014 en respuesta a grandpaNicky
nickyste, are you funding these pumps and wells projects yourself, or doing them as fundraisers?
abril 12, 2014 en respuesta a Missing user
They are all mine. I have been blessed aplenty and am blessed each time I get to do these things. My way of tithing.
abril 14, 2014
I have also heard of cases in which someone who had a pump or well installed was then able to charge a small fee for others who wanted to draw water from it--saving the others a lot of water-fetching time (and letting them get perhaps much better quality water), and providing some additional income to the family with the pump.  Good luck with your project!
Missing user
abril 14, 2014

Generally when a pump and well are provided it is a community well, which eliminates the use of a stream, river or other body of water that would be unsanitary. The ones being provided by nickyste are for the communities, so they are not charging their neighbors to use the water. 

abril 14, 2014 en respuesta a Missing user
I was informed 5 families would benifit from the pump I provided for Shiella. The thought of her family chargeing them had never crossed my mind. I can understand, but I would be disappointed as I assume the neighbors are disadvantged also. Don't know how to feel about this......
abril 15, 2014

Thanks for the info! i had issues posting before, so sorry for the late reply!! Thank you for the approx cost, as for charging, I hope they wouldn't do that. I too can understand but I would put in a well with the hope to help all the families not those that can pay. I wonder if there is a way I can stipulate that to make sure its free for use.


Missing user
abril 15, 2014 en respuesta a grandpaNicky

Don't worry Nickyste, I have never heard of families charging for water - maybe brightspot can tell us where she read this.  And since the pumps are for the community to use and the water is free, I can't imagine anyone would even consider charging. 

Missing user
abril 15, 2014 en respuesta a ditchqueen

There would be no need to stipulate that the family not charge their neighbors for water. In the 23 years  I've been here and handling these types of special needs, I have never seen nor heard of a family charging their neighbors for water. And since the wells are for the community and the water is free, it would be extremely rude of a family to do such a thing. 

Missing user
abril 15, 2014 en respuesta a Missing user
I don't remember reading anything that specifically said our children's families charge others to use their pumps ... however, I *do* remember it being said that if a child's Family Report lists "neighbor's faucet" as their water source, that oftentimes it meant they were paying that neighbor for that water. It was on the old LiftOne site (and of course now I don't remember who said it).
abril 15, 2014 en respuesta a Missing user

Now that you mention it I remember reading that also. If water is gathered from a neighbor that has to pay a water bill theirself, that is understandable. I have now had water connections hooked up for two of my kids that had to get water from neighbors.


Missing user
abril 15, 2014 en respuesta a Missing user

Yes, if a family has running water in or at their home and pay for it, then neighbors would pay for the water they use. In cases such as these, the neighbors are typically extended family members, who pool their funds to pay the water and electric bill. 

Missing user
abril 15, 2014 en respuesta a Missing user
Extended families ... that thought hadn't occurred to me. Peril of life in the US, where you may not even know your neighbors' names!

Is it possible to tell, Debbie, if any of my children are benefiting from Nickyste's upcoming wells and pumps? Jie and Anikka both currently list a nearby stream as their water source.
Missing user
abril 15, 2014 en respuesta a Missing user

I'll have to do some research to determine what SAC's they are benefiting and where your girls live. Stay tuned...

abril 15, 2014 en respuesta a Missing user


I just recieved acknowledgment that funds were recieved for the above mentioned pumps and wells. It also mentioned that the field workers will be looking for the next place to do. Do me a favor, and if Saddare's girls are not going to use these, please put a bug in Vickie's ear for me. Her Anikka is a sweetheart.

Missing user
abril 15, 2014 en respuesta a grandpaNicky

Will do nickyste!

Missing user
abril 16, 2014

@sasddare & nickyste:  Neither Anikka or Jei Ann live in the area of Legaspi that will benefit from the well that nickyste funded.  However, since our Legaspi staff is looking for other areas to build another well we did ask them to let us know if Anikka's SAC was a possibility.

I have to caution you that there is so much to consider when determining if an area is suitable for a well and pump can be installed (water tables, permits, etc.) that even if a community's only water source is a nearby stream, it does not automatically ensure the area is a good candidate for well construction. 

Additionally, I want to remind everyone that the cost for providing anything for a child, family or community varies from country to country, as well as between service areas within the same country and child to child. I mention this only because don't want anyone to be shocked by the difference in cost when they receive the special needs inquiry information. 
