abril 1, 2019
Well, it seems I have some 'splaining to do:
1. We never stop looking for sponsors for the kids on our program, even the older kids. To be fair, we don’t always place information about kids over the age of 17 (18+) on our website, because most people don't want to help older kids because they want to help the same youth for many years. If a sponsor wants to sponsor a youth that is 17+, they can contact the Care Team and we'll do our best to find just the right youth for them to help.
2. Remember, the kids on the website waiting list, isn't all the kids needing sponsors. Our pool of waiting children are marked in different ways to find them sponsors. For example, some are marked to show on the web, some to replace kids who leave the program, and others for allocation over the phone or by mail. The kids stay marked for a certain period of time, and if we haven't found a sponsor, then they cycle to another marking. So, not every child waiting for a sponsor shows on the web and, if you do a search for specific criteria it will only search for the kids who are marked to display on the web.
3. I have no idea where the 17% comes from, as we're not tracking exactly how many sponsors write to their kids. Of course, we wish all sponsors would, but we don't spend a lot of our resources on keeping track of those kind of things, as we want resources to go to the programs for the kids.
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