Receiving letters

16 publicaciones
Missing user
marzo 27, 2014
I was looking back at letters from Richard, who I've been sponsoring over a year, and aside from the welcome letter, they're all either marked CP or sng/dp letters. I have none marked CR. Does the CR rule apply when they send CPs too? I'm not concerned about getting one if it wasn't written, I just wanted to know If it was written and then lost in the mail (maybe we could retrieve a copy) thanks
Missing user
marzo 27, 2014
I just looked through my binders after reading your post--I have a mix of CRs and CPs from all of my girls. I write to them just about every month, so I receive CPs fairly regularly. It doesn't seem to have impacted their writing of CRs.
Missing user
marzo 27, 2014
I just  looked through my binders after reading your post--I have a mix of CPs and CRs from each of my girls. I write to them almost every month. It doesn't seem to have affected the writing of CRs.
Missing user
marzo 27, 2014

CR letters are Child Participation, which is the required semi-annual letters each sponsor receives. When the child is assigned the system auto-generates a request for a CR letter 6-months out. 

Now, that being said...each time you write to your child and it's marked for a reply (a CP letter) then it bumps that CR out by another 6-months.  So sponsors who are prolific writers will probably always receive only CP letters. Sponsors who only write once or twice a year will pretty much always get CR letters. 

CR letters are a little more "formal" because the kids are just like sponsors and sometimes have no clue what to say   And require a little prodding from parents, siblings, volunteers, etc. 

CP letters are easier because the kids are responding to the sponsors letter which is right in front of them. 

Hope this helps! 


Missing user
marzo 27, 2014
that makes sense debbie and its a good system. I hadn't written to Clements family in a while so I sent a letter just a week or so ago then out of nowhere, I get a CR. :/  perhaps our letters cross mailed. since the family just wrote the CR, will they not be asked to respond to the letter I sent a week prior (and way overdue on my part?)  I'm still trying to get a handle on timing so that they aren't having to write too often
Missing user
marzo 31, 2014 en respuesta a Missing user

We received a letter for Clements on 3/3/14 and the reply is due back about 4/22/14. We requested a CR letter on 3/18/14 and it's due back about 9/13/14. 

abril 8, 2014
how long/when should i expect my first letter from my sponsored child?
Missing user
abril 9, 2014 en respuesta a katies
@katies - typically, the welcome letters should arrive 2-3 months after your sponsorship begins.
Missing user
mayo 16, 2014
Question about letter writing.  I wrote a letter for one of my sponsored kids in early March (after not writing for quite a while) and see here that the reply back was due 4/22. I did receive an SNG response recently but no other letter. Should I be expecting another one ?? I don't mean to be a pest but I am trying to write more frequently and I haven't gotten a hang of hitting the 3-month mark without overlapping. I wrote a letter for Richards family around that same time.
Missing user
mayo 19, 2014 en respuesta a Missing user

Letters that accompany DP and SNG follow-up do not count as part of semi-annual letters or the 90-day rule. 

Missing user
junio 23, 2014 en respuesta a Missing user

 I have not received the one that was supposedly due back in April and its been over 3 months since I wrote. Ive been waiting for a reply to my last letter to Clement so that I can write another one. I guess I should be expecting one soon but , if , for example I wrote in March and I receive a reply in June, does that mean I have to wait another 3 months (six months total) since the reply was was written 3 months after I sent it ?
Missing user
junio 25, 2014 en respuesta a Missing user

jesscoffee said:

 I have not received the one that was supposedly due back in April and its been over 3 months since I wrote. Ive been waiting for a reply to my last letter to Clement so that I can write another one. I guess I should be expecting one soon but , if , for example I wrote in March and I receive a reply in June, does that mean I have to wait another 3 months (six months total) since the reply was was written 3 months after I sent it ?

It's 3 months from the date we receive the letter, not from when you receive the reply.

For example, if we received a letter on June 1st and asked for a reply, we would not ask the child to respond to another letter until September 1. 

FYI: Clements letter didn't arrive in this weeks shipment, but I'm sure our staff is working on it.  Thanks!

Missing user
marzo 18, 2023
I found this old tread, which says..
"For example, if we received a letter on June 1st and asked for a reply, we would not ask the child to respond to another letter until September 1."

To elaborate,

Sponsor Letter, SL1 letter sent to CIKC = June 01 - Reply required = Yes
Child Letter, CP1 reply received by sponsor = July 15
SL2 letter sent to CIKC = July 30 - Reply required = No
SL3 letter sent to CIKC = August 15 - Reply required = No
SL4 letter sent to CIKC = September 15 - Reply required = Yes (90-day Rule)
SL5 letter sent to CIKC = October 15 - Reply required = No
CP2 reply received by sponsor = November 30 <== This reply most likely be to SL4, though child may choose to respond to SL2, SL3 at the same time or even in the next window (per 90-day Rule) but no guarantee as our letters get too old in their possession and forgotten!

Once my impression was that sponsor can write as many times as they wish to, but SOA only ask the child to respond to all sponsor letters received to-date at the next available window (i.e. on/after 90th day). However, the CP decision is dictated by CIKC rather than SOA, which makes me cautious not to intercept a 'pending CP reply' to my previous letter.

@Gabor2023 - Is this your understanding?
Missing user
marzo 18, 2023 en respuesta a Missing user
Yes... Not being asked to respond to a sponsor's letter is not the same as being asked not to respond.

I think that's where some people get confused, but I've never heard of CI telling a child they can't reply to a letter because it's too soon to write.

Maybe someone from CI can clarify.

If a child receives a letter from a sponsor on Jan. 1 and responds to the letter and then receives another letter from the sponsor on Feb. 1 (which they won't be asked to respond to), but they want to respond regardless, would they be allowed to reply the sponsor's second letter or would they be told to wait another 2 months until the 90 days are up?
Missing user
marzo 20, 2023 en respuesta a Missing user
Yes, the youth can respond to any letter they would like, but CI does not ask them to reply to each and every letter they receive - only once every 90-days. 
Missing user
marzo 23, 2023
I see others post letters from their child and they seem to write to their sponsors very personal letters. There is actual communication going on. I think that is great. Some children just do not want to write and then one gets the obligatory letter they are requested to write by CI. Unfortunately my child doesn't answer my letters or questions and the letters I receive say pretty much the same. I like to do this..., my favorite food is..., etc.etc. Every child is different and thinking back to when I was a child I didn't like writing letters either. LOL