Foros / Make a Difference / Homepage


18 publicaciones
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julio 27, 2019
CI homepage does seem to portray the message of "Poverty" using consistently just one picture of a child (Christina) from Zambia. I know that CI has invested in marketing/advertising of its renewed brand recently on various channels with this picture, but to me it does not reflect the dynamic state of our children living across CI operating countries.

Since CI no longer publishes Journeys magazine, why can't this space be utilized to highlight a success story or a special need (project with an intention to find crowdfunding support) for a child with a brief description by text/video in rotation – once a month perhaps?

What do you think?
Missing user
julio 27, 2019 en respuesta a Missing user
What a timely post! This past week I received what was labeled as the 1st issue of the Jouneys magazine. They seem to have begun publication again. This issue focused mostly on the Philippines but did include a few other short articles. As with the Birthday Reminders, it would be interesting to know if CI is able to send this outside the US​?
Missing user
julio 28, 2019
Thanks Nancy. I thought Journeys is dead in the water after Gina Kellogg (former editor) left CI 2yrs ago. Indeed a good news that it's back though the digital version not available online as yet. Regarding Birthday Reminders, I don't mind receiving such by e-mail if it at all saves international postage toward getting the magazine published quarterly.

I've seen CI message advertised in Magazine Ads & Billboards across America, but where all happening right here, the homepage does seem to lack the power they talked about in a recent case study – []
Missing user
julio 28, 2019 en respuesta a Missing user
I also thought it curious, at first, that my version of the home page was featuring a 13-year-old from Zambia indicated as 'recently sponsored'.  Then I realized that I was seeing 'Beatrice', a child that I had considered but had reluctantly elected not to sponsor because I was adhering to a self-imposed limit on sponsorships.  Instead of sponsoring, I had initiated an 'EG to a child I do not sponsor' for her, with the hope it would help a bit until someone else took on the longer-term time commitment.   

That video link to the CI messaging video was pretty good!  I was surprised that (at the time I looked) it had fewer than 100 views over the past year.  Again, good video. 
Missing user
julio 28, 2019
Bill, you’re a savior!

To provide many different versions of the same site underONE global URL (i.e. geo-target by country, region code, city, zip code, andIP-address) – I didn't even know this possible!  I've never seen an "EG to a child I do notsponsor" option anywhere on the homepage from where I live plus neverheard of "CI messaging video" either.

When I right-click on the main image > View BackgroundImage, it shows me the following URL with Christina's name at the end.

Definitely need some changes to CI marketing strategy overhere as I don't know how I can live with static imagery on CI homepage (ratherswitch to just to keep me going everyday!), and wonder what do youall see on the CI landing page..?
Missing user
julio 29, 2019 en respuesta a Missing user
"I've never seen an "EG to a child I do notsponsor" option anywhere on the homepage from where "
That's not a selection option.  I got the idea for a non-sponsored-child EG from a posting on this board a few months ago (maybe it was from Frosty).  When I initiated the donation check I just put this designation on the description line, along with that child's name and number.
Missing user
julio 29, 2019 en respuesta a Missing user
Yes, I did one earlier this year for similar reasons. I wanted to do something for a child on the wait list. It is best to call CI in regards to giving an EG to a child on the wait list as not all children are eligible and ultimately it is up to the in country staff to decide.
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julio 30, 2019 en respuesta a Missing user
Just a little backstory on a couple of things:  CI was given the opportunity to have 2 billboards in Kansas City a few years ago, and we jumped at the chance to gather some hometown sponsors.  It was a one-time thing, and not all across America :-)

For many years (like back in the stone age when I first started working at CI), our main source of advertising to find sponsors was via magazine ads and t.v. commercials. Of course, the world has changed (we now have the internet and social media, and for that matter e-mail! - and who doesn't fast forward thru commercials, if they even watch t.v. other than via streaming), so our ways to obtain new sponsors changed too.  A few years ago, we tried a magazine ads, (got them for a very, very, very reduced price, so it was cheap and easy to try), while we did obtain some sponsors, not enough to pay full price to run an ad again.

We did stop producing Journey's for a few years (Gina leaving had no bearing on that), while we were focusing on updating programs and learning more about how we correspond and update our sponsors.  We've decided to send a trial copy of a new version of Journey's to about 50k sponsors to see what the response is...we're always learning! 

Missing user
julio 31, 2019 en respuesta a Missing user
I was  very excited when I saw the "new and improved" Journeys magazine in my mailbox!  It was almost as good (well, maybe not that close) as receiving a letter from one of my kids!  I hope the response will be strong enough to keep it going.
Missing user
julio 31, 2019 en respuesta a Missing user
I received my "Journeys" magazine in the mail today too.  My fiance looked at me and teased me that he had something for me to read instead of doing my school work.  As Bob_c2956 stated, it is as good as receiving a letter from my child.  
Missing user
agosto 1, 2019
I liked the new Journeys as well.  Thank you.  :)  I also like to leave them at laundromats when I'm done with them.  You never know who will pick them up and read them.  
Missing user
agosto 1, 2019
snow_tiger - we hope it didn't distract you too much!! :) 
MollyR- what a great idea! Thanks for spreading the word. 
Missing user
agosto 1, 2019
I didn't get one. :(
Missing user
agosto 1, 2019
Ah.. looks like my topic is hijacked by "Journeys" fans! I agree the magazine brightens up our day when we get to pick up and start reading.. I'm waiting for my copy.

Bill – It makes sense, so thanks for clarifying. Yes, I remember Frosty's recent post about an EG to a non-sponsored child.

Debbie – How do CI capture our GDPR consent? Is there a box to tick on online account or an email/snail mail that goes out to EU sponsors to decide?

GDPR is designed in favor of the customer/donor. So my question is how would CI handle a situation whereby if you were to know a child/minor whereabouts but has left the program, will CI share that info upon request by the sponsor?

Thanks for your interesting history of the CI Ad campaigns. I searched on Google images and saw a few billboards with CI message on. So back to my topic.. a dynamic homepage with stories like " Lifting teens out of poverty through HOPE " can evoke positive emotions in visitors, increasing the chances of finding new sponsors.

YouTube is relatively cheap yet powerful medium for creative, smart and clever advertising on the web. One of my favorite Ads on British TV is [] – how about seen a child with empathy looking through the window of his/her needs and then rush to (click on) Sponsor Me!
Missing user
agosto 2, 2019 en respuesta a Missing user
Yes, Chelaka, GDPR consent is given on a sponsor's web account. It appears you gave consent in June - at that time you would have seen a pop up to either give consent or decline. You can make changes at any time on the account settings page. 
Missing user
agosto 5, 2019
@chelaka: Oh, sorry for not acknowledging your suggestions in your original post.  We did see them here, and on your website feedback form, and they were shared with our web team - thank you!  

Additionally, I'm sorry if I’ve not been clear in my explanations about the GDPR.  I'm not sure how to explain it any better than to say the GDPR and Child Protection are not related. 

The GDPR only concerns marketing info, specifically, donation requests that are above and beyond sponsorship donations.

We will continue to share as much information about the children as possible with their sponsors, based on Child Protection Laws.  

To your specific question asking if we can share the whereabouts of a youth who is under the age of 18 and no longer in the program:  No we cannot. If a family tells the SOA staff where they are moving, generally it’s in hopes of being able to remain in the program in their new community. However, the specific details are not shared with CIKC because of child protection guidelines. 

To be clear, nothing about the Child Protection Laws we follow is changed by the GDPR.  
Missing user
diciembre 2, 2019
Just wanted to add that we got a copy of Journeys magazine this month. It was a great surprise and we really enjoyed it; the personalized inside cover was a nice touch. Just thought I'd add.
diciembre 5, 2019
I also got the Journeys magazine and I love it! it was great! :D loved reading all the articles. and like BennyNJun said the personalized cover was really nice! 