CI youth will perform at the One World Symphonic Music Festival

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Kansas City, MO (June 26, 2018) Two youths from Children International’s music program in the Dominican Republic have been invited to perform at the One World Symphonic Music Festival in Washington, D.C., from June 27 – July 6. The festival gathers musicians from around the world to perform as a single symphonic orchestra exemplifying world unity.

The two youths, Marlon and Glenny, will each play cello at the festival, an instrument they learned and mastered through Children International’s music program. The program is based on the El Sistema method, which uses the power of music to teach youth life skills and social responsibility. As the children and teens learn how to play classical music and be part of an orchestra, they also learn how to respect others, work together and communicate better with their peers. The El Sistema method puts an emphasis on peer-to-peer instruction, which also cultivates leadership skills and the habit of helping others. Additionally, learning complex instruments helps build kids’ self-confidence, making it easier for them to reject negative influences and continue striving for a brighter future. Learning music in this way gives kids in poverty a sense of purpose, achievement and responsibility.

An instructor shows two students how to play the cello

Cello instructor Raymond Feliz practices with Marlon and Glenny to prepare them for the festival. | Download image

When Glenny was asked what she would say to Children International supporters for making the music program possible, she said, “First, I would say ‘thank you.’ You cannot imagine the impact your contributions to the music program have made in the lives of children and young people who come from very difficult situations. Because of you, we have found in music a tool for our development.”

Both Marlon and Glenny say they are excited to perform in Washington, D.C., this summer. Marlon said, “I am excited I will be able to meet many people, including musicians from all over the world. I think it will be a great experience.” Glenny added, “I am excited that it is a challenge and that we will be able to learn.”

Learn more about Children International’s music program.

Learn more about Children International’s work in the Dominican Republic.

About Children International
Children International is a leader in the movement to eradicate poverty. From toddler to young adulthood, we surround kids with a caring team, a safe place and a clear path out of poverty through programs focused on health, education, empowerment and employment. Our supporters are inspired as they see children radically change their lives and create a ripple effect that impacts their families and communities for generations to come.

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