Vicky es prueba viviente del impacto a largo plazo del apadrinamiento. Se enfermaba a menudo cuando era niña, pero recibió atención que le ayudó a crecer saludable, educada y empoderada. Ahora está en camino al éxito y es un modelo a seguir. Vea su historia y aprenda cómo está convirtiendo sus sueños en realidad.
¡Gracias por su compasión! ¿Qué futuro desea usted para su apadrinado? Compártalos en los comentarios.
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sep 12, 2017
I hope Keyner(Colombia) grow to be someone who make the difference for his family, community and country!
It has been some years since I am sponsoring him, and I hope I can continue doing it.
Make me proud Keyner!!
sep 12, 2017
Sept. 12, 2017
I learned from Leyoniel's ( Domenican Republic) letters that I have made a big difference in his life and that he will grow to make a difference in his family and his communitiy life. I am proud to be Leyoniel's sponsor.
sep 13, 2017
It is wonderful to read about Vicky's positive experience as a sponsored child with CI. I believe my two sponsored children can have a positive successful future too. Harvin is doing well and just turned 14! Yomary is just 9 and is doing better already!
sep 26, 2017
This is such a wonderful story! I hope my sponsored children also have the opportunity to obtain a higher degree of education. I am afraid there may not be education possibilities beyond the sixth grade for one of my girls that lives in the mountains of Guatemala.
Francisco Israel_6c3d8
oct 21, 2017
Apenas ayer inicié con mi apadrinamiento, y deseo con todo mi corazón que Jazmín salga adelante y sea una mujer exitosa. Este video de Vicky me motiva y me da confianza en CI. Bien hecho Vicky, ¡Great Job CI!
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