- Momentos felices
Hace un año, nos encontramos en los primeros días del brote de COVID-19. Veíamos tasas de infección alarmantes, y aún no se había declarado una pandemia mundial. No obstante, el mundo se detendría poco después. Un año más tarde, la pandemia continúa afectando a todos de distintas maneras. Les preguntamos a nuestros niños apadrinados, empleados y voluntarios sobre las lecciones que han aprendido durante los últimos 12 meses. Estas son sus respuestas.
feb 10, 2021
Thank you, Children International for todays video of "What we've learned". Seeing and hearing those children and staff sharing with us was truly inspiring! We have been Blessed by our God - Creator and are thankful to be a part of the work you all do. Our part in gifting $ is nothing compared with the work being done "on the ground" by staff and those on the front lines. It is Jesus in us all, that we Praise and are Thankful for, to be able to share in your Ministry and the sharing of His Good News with these souls that Jesus Loves. Praise to Father, Son & Holy Spirit! Thank you Children, their families and CI staff.
feb 10, 2021
Thank you CI, every sponsor, and every child we can grow with.
feb 10, 2021
Thank you for continuing to be a lifeline for so many children. Your/our work has been even more critical this year.
mar 5, 2021
This video is inspirational and touching. I feel honored to be participating in CI !
may 18, 2021
Thank you for sharing these people's experiences with us!
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