- Momentos felices
En Children International, concluimos el 2021 con mucha gratitud y emoción. A pesar de que la pandemia continúa afectando muchos aspectos de nuestras vidas, nuestros equipos en todo el mundo siguen apoyando a nuestros niños y familias con la pasión, dedicación y creatividad dignas de nuestra misión. Nuestra misión es una impulsada y hecha posible por la bondad y generosidad de contribuyentes como usted.
Carol & Jd_e7f28
ene 6, 2022
I have been blessed by being a part of this service! Thank you for all you do, and for loving and helping to care for our brothers and sisters all over the world! God Bless!!!!
ene 6, 2022
thank you for the great work you do. It is a great joy for me and my family to contribute to this extraordinary and necessary mission.
ene 6, 2022
Seeing updates from the children that I sponsor and your reports and videos is very inspiring and makes contributing a pleasure. Thank you!
ene 9, 2022
Helping my children through Children's International has been an honor. Thank you for allowing us to help these wonderful children and giving them the opportunity to dream big!!
ene 10, 2022
Thank you for the awesome video! I love hearing about how the children and families are cared for!
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