- Momentos felices
Ser papá jamás es una tarea fácil, y es particularmente difícil para las familias de escasos recursos económicos. Por eso imagine lo importante que es recibir una tarjeta especial o palabras de gratitud de sus hijos.
Gracias a su apoyo, los padres de familia en todo el mundo saben que cuentan con su respaldo al criar a sus hijos para una vida fuerte, saludable y exitosa.
Disfrute este video de niños y jóvenes explicando cómo el amor de sus padres les llena de fuerza y motivación.
jun 16, 2023
It's beautiful to see the love between the children and their papa's. How magnificent that even under the duress of poverty, these fathers are sharing and creating happy moments with their kids. I am in awe of their commitment and strength.
jun 16, 2023
The families in the video demonstrated that the love a father has for his children is felt universally! I loved watching the expressions of pride on the children's faces as they expressed the reasons for the love they feel for their Dads, and the pleasure that was reflected in the Dads' faces as they listened to and interacted with their kids! Thank you for sharing these lovely moments with us.
jun 16, 2023
We know that a father needs to provide his child or children with good affection and leadership roles. Happy Father’s Day to all fathers around the world.
jun 19, 2023
We are so very happy to help all these families have a better life, the love and support means the world. Happy Father's Day to all great fathers out there!
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