- Momentos felices
100 % de los niños y jóvenes apadrinados y sus familias en nuestro programa recibieron asistencia económica, ayudando a cubrir sus necesidades durante otro año difícil.
Nuestro Programa de Bienestar Emocional expandió a todas nuestras agencias, aumentando su alcance a aproximadamente 62 000 participantes.
En el último año, el número de estudiantes completando el programa de clases particulares de Children International aumentó 92 %.
A través de nuestros programas de salud, nuestros contribuyentes nos ayudaron a cubrir el costo de casi 2 veces del número de servicios médicos ofrecidos.
ene 3, 2023
So wonderful to see our support helping families & communities thriving , its all about giving back!
ene 4, 2023
Thank you to Children International for being resilient and resourceful during the difficult pandemic years. I am grateful to all, to all the CI administrators, the employees and the volunteers. You are all superheroes! Make 2023 your best year ever! To you, a standing ovation from your fan, Rachel, sponsor of 21 children/youths.
ene 5, 2023
I am so grateful to be part of this loving, giving and supportive Children International Family by being a sponsor of twelve children. I love knowing that they can go to a CI Center and "grow" in many ways and that their families are supported, too.
I am grateful to the volunteers, contact workers and CI "graduates" for continuing to make the world a better place one child at a time. Bravo!
ene 5, 2023
I have been waiting and waiting to be able to correspond again with my child in the form of written letters and cards ... and to send stickers, which she loves! I hope I can do this before she phases out of the program after her 18th birthday, which is in January. I have been told she will leave the program in March.
ene 18, 2023
As a long time supporter, I wish to express my deep gratitude and appreciation for your amazing work, dedication, and compassion. Thank you for helping to transform lives.
ene 30, 2023
As a grateful supporter, I thank you for letting me write cards and letters in prior years. The families have been able to go up the ladder.Thank you for your work!
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