Global poverty and empowerment

facts & stats About World Poverty and Empowerment

Growing up in poverty, a child lacks hope or a vision for a future where change is possible. That's where our empowerment programs come in — children get access to the basic tools they need to become confident and engaged citizens of their communities. Your sponsorship helps children learn about social responsibility, develop leadership skills and receive employability training, so they can break free from poverty. You're also giving them access to crucial health care, educational programs and more.

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  • Globally, roughly 500 million more people now have bank accounts than in 2015. Still, this leaves 1.4 billion people without bank accounts.

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  • People who can read are more likely to participate politically and exercise their civil rights.

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  • Direct links between empowerment and breaking free from poverty are real. Self-confidence, personal power and aspirations for the future are associated with a high increase in escaping poverty.

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  • Enhanced leadership skills, less alcohol or drug use, and better performance in school are all outcomes of empowered youth.

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  • At least 12 million girls a year are married before they reach the age of 18 – that’s 28 girls every minute.

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  • In developing countries, 71% of people have a bank account – a 42% increase from a decade ago.

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  • In the past decade, an estimated 25 million child marriages have been prevented, thanks to many factors, including an increased global rate of girls’ education.

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a group of women walking down a street

Our programs break the cycle

We empower children and youth through health and education programs, life-skills workshops, career placement initiatives and more.

See how it works


  • The World Bank, 2022
  • UNESCO: Education for All Global Report, 2006
  • Moving Out of Poverty – Vol. 2 – Success from the Bottom Up
  • UNICEF Progress for Children, April 2012
  • UNICEF, Child Marriage, May 2022
  • The World Bank, July 2022
  • UNICEF, Child Marriage, May 2022
  • UNICEF, Child Marriage, May 2022

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