Every day, girls living in poverty face unbelievable hurdles. Recently, the United Nations released an initiative* to promote gender equality and empowerment of all women and girls. Through our programs, Children International works to achieve these goals:
End all forms of discrimination against women and girls everywhere.
Eliminate all forms of violence against women and girls.
Adopt and strengthen sound policies and legislation to promote gender equality and empowerment.
Ensure women’s full and effective participation and equal opportunities for leadership at all levels of decision-making.
Ensure universal access to sexual and reproductive health.
Your support as a sponsor helps give a girl or young woman who is living in poverty the life skills, education and confidence she needs to transform her life. Through our community centers and programs, girls can rewrite their stories, empower their families and give back to their communities. It’s a ripple effect that can positively impact generations of women.
6 million
children a year die from malnutrition before age 5
Getting and keeping children healthy is our goal. Our health programs like Youth Health Corps focus on developing healthy habits and connecting girls in poverty with services when they need help.
496 million
women are illiterate
A good education is a child’s best chance to overcome poverty. Our libraries, computer labs and tutoring programs give girls the resources they need to learn how to read, setting the trajectory for a successful life.
teen girls get married each day
Through programs that build leadership, teamwork and confidence, our goal is to empower young women and girls who are living in poverty to overcome their circumstances.
of the world’s youth (age 15–24) are unemployed
Mock interviews, résumé writing, connecting with employers in their communities — our programs help young women focus on developing skills to help them be successful at their jobs.
Child sponsorship connects two people — a sponsor with a generous heart and a child living in poverty.
From toddlerhood to young adulthood, our child sponsorship program equips kids with crucial life and job skills to break the cycle of poverty. For good.
1. A safe place, like 67+ community centers around the world
2. A caring team of local staff and volunteers
3. A path out of poverty through life-changing programs and services
Children International is proud to support children, families and communities in India, the Philippines, Colombia, Ecuador, Zambia, the Dominican Republic, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, and the United States.
82% of Children International’s total operating expenses fund programs for children and youth. So, the majority of your donation dollars go toward exactly what you intended — supporting children in poverty.
Child sponsorship is a voluntary, ongoing contribution you can cancel at anytime — you’re in charge of how long you sponsor (and how many kids you sponsor).
You can make changes to your monthly giving anytime. Please contact our Care Team to adjust, delay, or cancel. And because of our on-going commitment to our children from the time of sponsorship through graduation, your child will continue to receive benefits from the program, and we will work to find them another sponsor as soon as possible.
Children International is a global humanitarian organization connecting people in the fight to end poverty for good. Headquartered in Kansas City, we work in 10 countries, serving 200,000 children to create lasting change in their lives. We believe ending poverty starts with children, so we focus on programs and efforts for children and youth during the critical years. We build community centers, send volunteers to staff those centers, create educational and healthcare programs, and fund empowerment initiatives to help break the cycle of generational poverty.
If you recently attended a concert and received a child packet, you were provided with a code that you can use to begin sponsoring that child. Please click here to go to children.org/start and enter your code.
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