Children International Appoints Agency Director in Mexico

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KANSAS CITY, Mo. (May 7, 2024) — Children International, a global nonprofit that seeks to break the cycle of generational poverty, has tapped Claudio Rodriguez, an experienced operations manager and entrepreneur, to serve as Agency Director for Mexico. 

Rodriguez’s role includes aligning staff and activities to support the organization’s mission, driving agency growth and fostering partnerships that increase engagement among stakeholders. He will lead Children International operations from the west-central Mexican state of Jalisco. 

I’m honored to be part of Children International,” Rodriguez said. “I look forward to actively participating and taking steps to influence a brighter future for children and youth in need.”  

Rodriguez holds a bachelor’s degree in mechanical and electrical engineering from Universidad Autonoma de Guadalajara-Arizona State. He also has an international business management certificate from Georgetown University and an advanced negotiation certification from the University of California, Berkeley. 

About Children International

Children International, based in Kansas City, Missouri, USA, is a global nonprofit that delivers child and youth development programming to break the cycle of generational poverty. Through a customized approach, Children International serves young people in Colombia, Ecuador, the Dominican Republic, Honduras, India, Guatemala, Mexico, the Philippines, Zambia and the United States for the first two decades of their lives. The organization provides access to health care, education, positive role models, and the life and job skills they need to become gainfully employed. When equipped to improve their own lives, young people also transform their families and communities, and, as a result, multiply good in the world. For more information, visit


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