- Team Impact
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As the coronavirus continues to affect millions worldwide, we hope you and your loved ones are staying safe.
It's becoming clear that vulnerable communities, like the children and families we serve, are most at risk. Social distancing is impossible when you're living in a crowded slum. Those who were surviving on dollars a day, are now without work at all. Food is becoming scarce.
The Emergency Community Fund was designed to help during crises like this. Right now, it's being tapped to its limit.
We’re coordinating with local partners to provide as much aid as possible. Your support of the Emergency Community Fund will help provide more assistance to children and families.
Your support is helping provide telehealth services to sponsored families. Doctors are meeting over the phone, then providing referrals to health care providers.
With many community centers closed, thanks to you, we’re finding new methods to deliver value to sponsored children and youth, like digital learning sessions.
Through videos, posters and text messages, you’re helping amplify how important handwashing is to preventing the spread of the coronavirus.
Last reviewed: October 2022
Agency staff across the globe continue monitoring local and national government coronavirus guidelines and restrictions. As conditions slowly improve, fewer and fewer restrictions remain in place.
With these lower health risks, we are thankful to report that all our agencies have opened their community centers to our sponsored population. Some centers are operating at full capacity, while others are open with some limitations — determined by local infection rates, amount of indoor space, and other criteria.
Due to vastly improved conditions, most agencies are no longer required to provide regular COVID updates, but the following agencies continue experiencing greater disruptions: Guatemala, Honduras, India and Philippines.
Please feel free to reach out to the Care Team if you have specific questions.
Colombia | Dominican Republic | Ecuador | Guatemala | Honduras | India | Mexico | Philippines | United States | Zambia
Colombia’s community centers are open, and many in-person programs have resumed. Children are attending in-person schooling, and the current situation in Colombia has improved to the point that regular covid-related updates are not necessary.
Please note that child-sponsor correspondence may be delayed as we adapt to new processes. We are also rebuilding our volunteer network (a vital component of correspondence protocols), which was dramatically reduced during the pandemic. If the situation changes significantly, we will post that here.
Community centers in the Dominican Republic have reopened and children are attending in-person programs and schooling. The situation in the DR has improved significantly, and regular covid-related updates are no longer necessary. Please note that sponsor-child correspondence may be delayed as we adapt to new processes.
We are also rebuilding our volunteer network (a vital component of correspondence protocols), which was dramatically reduced during the pandemic. If the situation in the Dominican Republic changes significantly, we will post that here.
In Quito, community centers have reopened, and many in-person programs have resumed. Children are attending in-person schooling. The current situation in Quito has improved significantly, and regular COVID-related updates are no longer necessary.
Please note that sponsor-child correspondence may be delayed as we adapt to new processes. We are also rebuilding our volunteer network (a vital component of correspondence protocols), which was dramatically reduced during the pandemic. If the situation changes significantly, we will let you know here.
In Guayaquil, the city is under Epidemiological Alert 1, the lowest alert level in the system our government uses to track cases and establish safety protocols. Most outdoor spaces such as parks and beaches can operate at full capacity. Indoor spaces are allowed to operate between 60% and 80% capacity, depending upon the type of venue. Although remote schooling continues, in-person learning remains entirely voluntary, until the end of the 2021-2022 school year.
Although many restrictions have been lifted, the Guatemalan government continues to closely monitor infection rates and is using a “traffic light” alert system, with Red representing the highest rates (55 people or more per 100,000) and green the lowest (15 per 100,000). Remaining mandates and restrictions include hand hygiene and physical distancing in both indoor and outdoor spaces under Red sectors.
Additionally, there are four situations in which mask mandates remain in place:
The Ministry of Health has given all levels of education the greenlight to resume face-to-face classes, with the recommendation of maintaining a “health bubble system.” This consists of dividing students into small groups who attend classes on different days of the week, thereby reducing the spread of infection. Schools that lack water or sanitation services will continue virtual learning.
There are currently no movement restrictions in the country. On the other hand, the permanent use of a mask and the use of disinfectant alcohol on public roads, schools, universities, restaurants, etc. is mandatory.
Neither Kolkata nor Delhi, our two agencies in India, are under quarantine restrictions. However, mask-wearing indoors, on public transportation and in crowded spaces, is mandatory. And, as covid “hot-spots” flare up, smaller geographical restrictions can still be issued. Schools and other educational facilities are open, with safety protocols being strictly enforced.
Vaccines are available for everyone who is at least 5 years old.
Community centers in Mexico have reopened and children are attending in-person programs and schooling. The situation on the ground in Mexico has improved significantly, and regular covid-related updates are no longer necessary.
Please note that child-sponsor correspondence may be delayed as we adapt to new processes. We are also rebuilding our volunteer network (a vital component of correspondence protocols), which was dramatically reduced during the pandemic. If the situation in Mexico changes significantly, we will post that here.
With varied infection rates throughout this island nation, the Philippines government continues to encourage mask-wearing for certain indoor activities. In Bicol, hospitals have an indoor mask mandate, while businesses are now free to establish their own guidelines. In late August, for the first time in two years, the new school year began with public schools welcoming back all students for face-to-face classes.
According to the Department of Education, more than 10,000 public and private schools have recently been given clearance to resume limited, in-person schooling. COVID safety protocols are mandatory.
Mask mandates have been lifted and students are attending in-person schooling.
In Zambia, children are attending in-person schooling and our community centers are open. Many of our in-person programs have also resumed. The situation in Zambia has improved significantly, and regular covid-related updates are no longer necessary.
Kindly note that sponsor-child correspondence may be delayed as we adapt to new processes. We are also rebuilding our volunteer network (a vital component of correspondence protocols), which was dramatically reduced during the pandemic. If the situation in Zambia changes significantly, we will post that here.
Headquartered in Kansas City, Missouri, Children International is a top‑rated humanitarian organization focused on helping children break the cycle of poverty.
Our data-driven approach measures the outcomes of our programs aimed at helping kids graduate healthy, educated, empowered and employed.
Children International staff is working closely with local governments to support efforts to contain the virus and keep children and families healthy. At our headquarters in Kansas City, Missouri, a team has been assembled that operates under three guiding principles:
Approximately 90% of our staff is working from home to support social distancing guidelines. Around 10-15 employees unable to do their jobs from home remain in the building, which we now consider a low-risk environment.
More than 10,000 companies nationwide match their employees’ gifts to Children International.
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Our live chat isn’t available right now (check out our hours below). But you can send us an email at children@children.org. Or you can check out our Frequently Asked Questions section to find a quick answer.
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