- Thought Leadership
The interventions and other assistance youth receive under this menu of programs include career counseling, entrepreneurship, résumé writing, mock-interviews, soft skills and technical skills, vocational training and scholarships to continue studying.
These tools provide huge advantages for the youth we serve, making them much more competitive against their more advantaged peers when it comes time to enter the job market. However, once they’ve acquired the knowledge, experience and skills of their chosen career path, youth still need a chance to prove themselves to those who are hiring.
Local employers in the areas we serve increasingly seek our youth graduates to fill open positions. They tell us that Children International youth are reliable, ambitious and eager to learn. Our graduated youth show up motivated to advance, knowing they have a real chance to pull themselves – and their families – out of poverty.
With support from donors and sponsors, expanding these vital interventions to meet growing demand is crucial to our mission of ending generational poverty. And it is happening!
According to the United Nations, there are 75 million young people across the globe who have been trained for certain job skills but remain unemployed.
In Manila, for example, staff and youth together increased the number of employability graduates by four times in 2022, compared to the previous year. And nearly 60% of those graduates began formal employment within six months of graduation.
Keir Emano is one of those recent employability graduates. In partnership with Amazon Web Services and the Philippine Business for Education, CI-Manila began offering courses in specific IT skills. Keir, armed with a bachelor’s degree in electronics engineering, strengthened his résumé by graduating from the three-month course late last year. He now has a great job with a large bank in the Philippines as part of their IT Operations team.
Thanks to Children International’s employability programs, says Keir, “I was provided with transportation allowances, free use of computers, and extra training in cloud computing. I would like to thank Children International and my sponsor for all their support throughout the years. Because of your help,” adds Keir, “I was able to finish school and new opportunities are coming for me.”
Another grateful graduate is recently employed Jessica Balayo. With a degree in hospitality management, bolstered by skills gained through career-readiness courses, Jessica landed a good entry-level position with a well-known health services company.
All of our international locations offer employability programs, and each is empowered and encouraged to tailor their programs to meet the needs of both our youth and the local job market. We are excited about the results because it means more disadvantaged youth are finding gainful employment and seizing real opportunities to break the cycle of poverty.
As Keir told us, “My goal is to become a professional one day. I also want to gain more skills … and I hope to offer a better life for my family.”
Making life better for ourselves and our families is among the most universal of human goals. And we are so thankful to the larger family of Children International supporters for making this simple goal possible for our children and their families.
Feb 3, 2023
Having someone intelligently and loyally invest in your future -- that is a gift, a lasting gift, the brilliant gift that Children International provides. I am honored to join CI in this perfect goal. From Rachel, who has been a Sponsor with CI since 2017 and currently sponsors 22 children/youths.
Feb 4, 2023
I am Gantrick and I currently 10 children/youth with Children International. One in each country. I have also sponsored one who has graduated from the program so 11 in all. I have been a sponsor since 2009 and this is the absolutely most incredible and rewarding experience EVER! You can literally change someone's world from the comfort of your own home. For most of us $39 is a tank of gas. But for a child fighting to overcome poverty it is a life line. I am 43 years old and I hope God let's me live to be well into my 90s so I can sponsor dozens of kids/youths. God bless you all and all the children and families across the world.
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