Happy Father’s Day

children and their fathers HAVE A SPECIAL RELATIONSHIP

Please enjoy this video of fathers and children sharing their love with each other.

These fathers believe in their children, and are thankful that you do, too.

The late college basketball coach and broadcaster Jim Valvano once said, “My father gave me the greatest gift anyone could give another person: He believed in me.”

How true that is! It’s especially impactful for the fathers of the children in our program. They may have difficulties providing the resources their children need, but the one thing they can give them is their love and unwavering belief in their abilities.

What was your favorite part of the video? Let us know in the comments.


Jun 11, 2024

Happy Fathers Day to all Fathers of the world! May God bless all Fathers. Thank you Children International for a wonderful Video. It's exciting to see the children happy with their Fathers. (Very Heart felt to make children's dreams come true).

Jun 13, 2024


Jun 13, 2024

Happy Father's Day to all in "Children International"!

Jun 13, 2024

Happy Father's Day 💙

Jun 14, 2024

Felicidades a todos los padres del mundo, en especial aquellos que dan la milla extra por su familia. Fue muy emotivo ver el video.

betty jo seib
Jun 14, 2024

Happy Father's Day to all the fathers of Children International kids and especially Nazaria, my child from Children International. God bless each of you for all you do for your kids! Love and hugs!

Jun 15, 2024

Feliz dia de todos los Padres, me gustaron todos los videos , ya que muestra el carino de todos los hijos hacia nosotros , ya que nos esforzamos en el trabajo para darle mejor calidad de vida a nuestros y sepan que luchamos por ellos para darle lo mejor de nosotros, gracias a ustedes, todo es posible en dar lo mejor para nuestros hijos y ahijados., bendociones.

Jun 15, 2024

Happy Father’s Day to all of the great dads in Children International!

Jun 15, 2024

A wonderful tribute to all the fathers who make such a difference in the lives of all their children.

Jun 15, 2024

Happy Father's Day to all in "Children International"!

Jun 16, 2024

Happy Father's Day to all the dad's of Children International!

Aug 22, 2024

I thought the best part of the video was the love and affection shown between fathers and their children.

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