Guayaquil youth forge a path to a new future

sponsored youth in Ecuador earn THE TRIP OF A LIFETIME

Early in 2024, six youth from Guayaquil won a national performing arts competition in Ecuador, earning a trip to the United States to compete on an international stage.
Having participated for nearly a decade in core programs through Children International, such as tutoring, arts, computer skills and other life skills, these ambitious teens were equipped with the tools and confidence to successfully seize the opportunity of their young lives.

Given their economic disadvantages and the recent violence and turmoil that has engulfed the country – and especially the area where they live — their journey to compete in Destination Imagination’s global contest in Kansas City, Missouri, has been a truly impressive achievement. Creating their own skit, plot, characters, dialogue and props, these youth told the story of a young migrant worker and her struggles to support her family. It’s a story that represents many of the realities they see and encounter in their lives and their communities.

Naming their group “The Dream Makers,” this remarkable team competed against 10,000 other youth from both public and private schools, with widely varying degrees of resources. Their story isn’t just inspirational. It is a reminder that making dreams come true is a team effort, requiring resilience and hard work from children, backed by the compassion and support of our caring sponsors and dedicated staff.

The Dream makers get ready to travel


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