Sponsorship = growth & new beginnings for children

When children gain access to all the programs and benefits that sponsorship provides, their possibilities and their self-confidence are inevitably enhanced.

Each child and each family have their own unique set of daily challenges and inherent strengths, which is why we tailor our programs to meet individual needs as much as possible, helping them overcome generational disadvantages.

Whether it is accessing health and dental care, receiving educational assistance, acquiring important life skills through music or sports programming – or other types of transformational support – children like Mateo gain the tools to begin creating a future free from poverty.

In this second video about Mateo, see what has changed in the two years since this child from Colombia, born with a love for music, became sponsored.

a boy playing drums

Check out this video from 2022, when Mateo was still waiting for the life-changing benefits of sponsorship.


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