The joy of Children International sponsorship: Transforming lives in the Philippines


Learn what supporters Ben and Jun have to say about their sponsorship experience.

And hear from their two sponsored youth — Owel and John — who share how they and their families have been transformed by the kinship and assistance of two caring people who decided to make a difference.

Sponsors Ben and Jun recently returned from a second visit with their two sponsored children in the Philippines. The couple’s sponsorship journey began years ago when Ben decided he wanted to do something unique for Jun’s birthday. While searching nonprofit organizations, he discovered Children International. After doing some research, he provided Jun with the gift of sponsoring a child. They now support two youth from the island nation.

Jun, who grew up in a humble household in the Philippines, expresses the joy and gratitude he feels for the chance to give back, helping underserved children in his home country. Having developed a genuine sense of connection through writing and receiving letters – and from visiting in person (twice now!), Ben and Jun both feel they receive much more from their sponsorship experience than they give.

We know that not all sponsors can visit their sponsored children, but we also know that meaningful connections can and do happen through correspondence.

Do you write to your child or have a story about connecting
through letters or visits? Please share in the comments below!


Oct 15, 2024

I'm very PROUD to be a part of CHILDREN INTERNATIONAL. I have 7 Sponsor Kids! I haven't had the opportunity to visit my Sponsor Children, but I've had the opportunity to SEE, and SPEAK to my SPONSOR CHILDREN through a VIDEO CALL. It's with GREAT JOY, and EXCITEMENT to SEE, and SPEAK with my SPONSOR CHILDREN, and their FAMILIES. It brings me much HAPPINESS to see a face behind the letters as one of my Sponsor Children told me through our Video Call. I have more of a connection with my Sponsor Children because not only through letters we are able to communicate, but through a Video Call. I can also see them through a Video Call not only through their Updated Photos. (Although their photos, and letters mean a lot to me). Thanks to CHILDREN INTERNATIONAL I'm able to see, and speak to my Sponsor Children through a Video Call. I don't think I'll have the opportunity to go see them in person. I praise, and Thank God for the technology that we have because I'm able to see, and speak with my Sponsor Children. I'm a PROUD SPONSOR of my 7 SPONSOR Kids! (I consider them as part of my family) THANK YOU, CHILDREN INTERNATIONAL!!

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