- Thought Leadership
Susana Eshleman
As the most recognizable Civil Rights spokesperson for nonviolent activism, Martin Luther King Jr. spoke and worked to end systemic racial discrimination in state and federal laws.
I’m joining the conversation on MLK Day to amplify some of Dr. King’s lesser-known words of wisdom: “Intelligence plus character — that is the goal of true education.”
It is my great privilege to lead Children International, a global organization that prioritizes empowerment through life skills and values-based education as an access point for children living in poverty to begin breaking free. Our organization cares about both what children in our program know and about the character they develop. We know that with knowledge and character, young people can graduate from our program and multiply good in the world.
Dr. King’s voice and vision can serve all of us today as we grapple to understand the many acts of violence that we have experienced in the last few months, motivated by a lack of understanding of and appreciation for one another. Sadly, we have painful evidence that we have much work to do yet.
With every fiber of my being, I believe we are obligated to do all we can to fulfill Dr. King’s dream and end the poverty of spirit that continues to plague our country and our world today.
We cannot rest until we get there. The legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King’s work endures, and that work is up to every one of us.
Jan 19, 2021
This is amazing! :) we can do this!!
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