Images of our work

images for media and editorial purposes


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To request images for editorial use, please contact the media team.

Any other use of Children International’s newsroom content without its prior written permission is strictly prohibited.

Countries where we work

  • Colombia
  • Dominican Republic
  • Ecuador
  • Guatemala
  • Honduras
  • India
  • Mexico
  • Philippines
  • United States
  • Zambia

Into Employment®

Into Employment offers college and technical training scholarships, one-on-one career counseling and job skills training. 

Eighty-five percent of participants complete the program, and over 68% are women, which upskills them to confront gender disparities head-on.

As high as 84% of graduates find a job within six months of completing Into Employment. They ultimately double or triple their household incomes.

CEO and President Susana Eshleman

Susana Eshleman became CEO and president of Children International in 2014. Under her leadership, the number of children and youth that Children International supports has grown to 218,000.

Susana is a sponsor herself and enjoys connecting with children every chance she gets. Several times a year, she leads social investors to visit the communities in which we work.

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