Transforming lives and communities
— one cup at a time

Lester’s journey from sponsored child to SELF-RELIANT ADULT

Growing up with a single parent in an underprivileged home in Honduras, Lester suffered numerous obstacles and hardships as a child — including losing a sister.

Learning to persevere, this young man and former sponsored child has been running a successful coffee business for years and recently made a dream come true by purchasing a small hotel. One way Lester is giving back today is by providing sponsored youth with internships as they progress toward employment.

Finding real opportunities, developing life skills, participating in Children International’s employability programs, and a great deal of hard work have provided Lester with a life even he is amazed by. Now a married father in his 30s, Lester is both happy and proud that his young son has a life freed from generational poverty.

We’d love to hear your thoughts about Lester’s success story in the comments!


Jun 29, 2024

Lester you worked very hard to achieve your dreams. I'm very proud of your accomplishments! Job well Done! It's devastating to lose a sister. My condolences to you and your family. May God bless you all. Thank you CHILDREN INTERNATIONAL for such a Great Video. I'm very PROUD to be a part of CHILDREN INTERNATIONAL, and to make a difference in my Sponsor Children's lives.

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